
原文はUncomplicatedFirewall - Ubuntu Wikiで。man ufw-frameworkでも出る

/etc/default/ufw: high level configuration, such as default policies, IPv6 support and kernel modules to use
high level設定、defaultのポリシーやIPv6サポートと使うカーネルモジュール

/etc/ufw/before[6].rules: rules in these files are evaluated before any rules added via the ufw command

/etc/ufw/after[6].rules: rules in these files are evaluated after any rules added via the ufw command

/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf: kernel network tunables

/var/lib/ufw/user[6].rules or /lib/ufw/user[6].rules (0.28 and later): rules added via the ufw command (should not normally be edited by hand)

/etc/ufw/ufw.conf: sets whether or not ufw is enabled on boot, and in 9.04 (ufw 0.27) and later, sets the LOGLEVEL
ufwを起動時に有功にするかどうか、またubuntu 9.04(ufw 0.27)以降ではログレベルも

/etc/ufw/after.init: initialization customization script run after ufw is initialized (ufw 0.34 and later)
ufwの初期化後に実行されるinitialization costomizationスクリプト(ufw 0.34より新しい)

/etc/ufw/before.init: initialization customization script run before ufw is initialized (ufw 0.34 and later)
ufwの初期化前に実行されるinitialization costomizationスクリプト(ufw 0.34より新しい)
